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Searching Diagrams

You can search chess diagrams in your books using various filters and themes to find the ones you're looking for.

The Search is available from the Menu in the top-right corner under Search Diagrams.

The great thing about the search is that you can open the book containing the diagram on the exact page the diagram appears on - check out the video below:

Search options

You can search by exact FEN, opening name and variation, game phase, and many more including themes like doubled pawns, opposite side casting, etc.

Use cases

Some of the use cases are:

  • Find a particular opening, e.g. French Defense Advance Variation
  • Find a particular endgame type, e.g. Rook endgames
  • For chess teachers to find diagrams to prepare exercises for your students


The search is available for all the users. The only limitation is that free accounts are limited to the first 20 search results.