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Introduction is a collection of award-winning apps that make chess content interactive.

From images and prints, to ebooks and videos, on desktop and mobile.

Let's discover in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started

We offer 4 main products:

  1. Browser Extension - to scan and analyze chess positions from any website in a browser. Whether it's an image, a puzzle, YouTube or Twitch video.

  2. Mobile App - to scan and analyze chess positions with your mobile device. Simply take a picture of a chess diagram, analyze and play your moves.

  3. eBook Reader - a smart reader that make chess ebooks interactive. Open any PDF chess book you have and let the Reader process it. Once it finishes, double-click on any chess diagram to open it for analysis.

  4. Video App - use Board Explorer to find YouTube videos matching a position, Watch Videos with a synchronized board and the engine, Search Videos by chess concepts.

Which one is for me?

The quickest to find out is to watch short videos presenting all the apps. They are all available on our Homepage.

In short, Browser Extension and Mobile App are essentially for every chess enthusiast, and which one to choose depends on whether you use a desktop or a mobile more.

If you like chess books and read them in PDF format often, then definitely try eBook Reader - it's one of a kind tool that make any chess PDF book interactive and massively improves the experience.

If you, like many others, often watch chess on YouTube, then you should check out the Video App. It not only lets you search in over 30k YouTube by positions and chess concepts, but also lets you watch any of these videos with an engine and synchronized board where you can check alternative variations.

Premium features

We offer premium features in our apps that unlock additional functionalities and provide unlimited access to our apps. You can learn more about the available options on our Subscription Plans page.